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Athletic Eligibility

Effective Fall 2013 (in addition to CIAC regulations)


Eligibility Requirements


Student athletes must have earned a 70% average with no final grade course failures for the previous school year. All ninth graders are eligible for fall sports. To maintain eligibility during the fall season, student athletes must earn a 70% average with no course failures for the first marking period.


Student athletes must have earned a 70% average with no course failures for the first marking period. To maintain eligibility during the winter season, student athletes must earn a 70% average with no course failures for the second marking period.


Student athletes must have earned a 70% average with no course failures for the second marking period. To maintain eligibility during the spring season, student athletes must earn a 70% average with no course failures for the third marking period.

In all cases, the grades that appear on the student athlete’s report card will be those used in determining eligibility. Again, eligibility for the fall season is determined by final course grades from the previous school year. Eligibility for winter and spring seasons will be based on marking period grades.


Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference: 15 Point Checklist for Student Eligibility

(Please refer to the CIAC Code of Eligibility)

  1. Enrolled in four full time courses (Rule I.B.)
  2. Passing in four full time courses (Rule I.B.)
  3. Earned four credits toward graduation in the preceding school year (Rule I.A.)
  4. Is an enrolled student in the school for which playing (Rule II.A.-See exceptions)
  5. Has never dropped out of school (Rule II.A., paragraph 2- See exception)
  6. Has not changed schools without parents moving to another school district or school service area (Rule II. C.- See exceptions)
  7. Has not played more than eight (8) consecutive semesters or four (4) consecutive years of the same sport after entering grade 9 (for the class of 2010 and beyond).
  8. Has not turned 19 of age before July 1 of this school year (Rule I.B.)
  9. Has not played or practiced the sport with another team during the high school season for the sport (Rule II.E.- See exceptions)
  10. Has not been on more than one school team in the same season nor represented more than one school in the same season at the same time (Rule II.D.)
  11. Has not received a salary or personal economic gain for playing the sport or competed under an assumed name (Rule II.F.)
  12. Is not a member of a school team of the opposite gender (boy on a girl’s team or a girl on a boy’s team) (Rule IV.F. – See exceptions).
  13. Has not been recruited to attend this high school for athletic purposes (Rule IV.C.)
  14. Is an American citizen (Rule IV.C.-See exception)
  15. Is a foreign exchange student registered with the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET) (Rule II.C.4)